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Program Feature


1.Flexible Course Schedule: students can choose to be full-time or part-time students and we offer courses during both weekdays and weekends for students to choose freely and to complete the program within 14 months.
2.Diverse Selective Courses: students can take courses in all departments of the College of Commerce and those credits, either required ones or selective ones, can reach to a third of the total credits in one semester.
3.International Exchange: In the past five years, we have had 123 foreign students from our partner universities as international exchange students in the College of Commerce and we have sent 207 students to study abroad as exchange students.
4.Internship: Students can have opportunities to intern in local companies or companies abroad and the internship will help cultivate their professional and practical skills.
5.International Business Training Courses: we will invite NCCU alumni from both international and domestic corporations to convene business training activities.
6.Handsome Scholarship: AMBA students can apply for scholarship together with internship from the company they aim to intern in. Once the internship application is admitted, the company will pay for the students' tuition and fees during the study period. If the students' performances are found to be excellent during the internship, they will have the priority of getting full-time positions in the company after graduation.

Course Design & Content

Basic Business Courses: three fundamental courses include accounting, managerial economics, and quantitative methodology. 
Core Managerial Courses: the seven courses include financial, marketing, information, production and operation, human resource, organization theory, and strategic. 
Course Features: Focus on three aspects, international insight, group cooperation, and leadership. Besides, learning experience programs such as international or domestic internships, international or domestic business training activities, venture challenges, community services, and oversea visits take up two-thirds of the program's feature courses.
Select Major Courses: Students chould choose at least one major and earn at least nine credits.

# The program is designed to be completed in four years. If students take courses intensively from July of the first academic year to August of the second year, the program can be completed in 14 months.