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Learning Point

Student specialized learning registration system
Applications for specialized learning (for international elements only) subsidization shall be submitted to the program chairperson for approval.
Download application form: 

Specialized point items Basic requirements
International exchange students
  1. will not receive points from recommendation.
  2. According to NCCU basic requirements, students must take at least one course in the master’s program.
  3. According to the requirements of the MBA Program, 2 points will be recognized for obtaining 6 course credits and 1 point will be recognized for obtaining 3 course credits. For example, when transferring credits from a European establishment according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), the recognition policy of the MBA Program is 2.5:1 (i.e. 7.5 credits under ECTS will be transferred into 3 credits at NCCU).
Transfer of specialized points into credits is determined based on needs:
With the official transcript issued by a foreign establishment, students can fill in the Application for Transfer of Credits Earned from Foreign Establishments to confirm if points are recognized.
  • Students will need to pay the credit fee only when they apply for credit transfer (credits of electives for graduation) after returning to Taiwan from an exchange.
  • Students will not need to pay the credit fee if they agree not to transfer credits after returning to Taiwan from an exchange.
Domestic and overseas enterprise internships Sign a contract for a term of at least two months (minimum 300 hours)
Domestic and overseas business training courses
Students must complete the following courses recognized by the program, join a group, and pass that course.
Region Course Name Course teacher Temporary time of next visit Course credits Specialized points Remarks
Japan-1 Organizational Change Management Kang-yen Kuan  Early  October 2017 3 1 about 40vacancies
Tsinghua University Cross-Strait Commerce Observation Lei-yu Wu 2017
Early Octoberand late October
2 1 Students must complete the mutual visit in early October10 and late October, one week for each party.
about 20 vacancies
Japan -2 Supply chain integration+ Supply chain integration -Asia/Asia-Pacific Practice Ming-shiow Lo 2017
November after the mid-term examination
2+1 1 Master’s students 20 vacancies
Hong Kong CSR Development in Chinese Enterprises Lien-ti Bei To be determined 1 1 about 10 vacancies
 Students must complete the mutual visit, one week for each party
Europe Trend of Industrial Development in Europe Ping-der Huang
Cheng-chung Huang
April 2018 First two weeks of the month 2 1 About 20 vacancies
Southeast Asia Regional Economic and Industrial Development in Southeast Asia Li-min Chen 2018
Middle or late May
1 1 About 25 vacancies
Business competitions Students will receive one point for entering the semi-final or representing the NCCU team, and completing and winning the first prize in competitions recognized by the MBA Program (application for permission is required for unrecognized competitions).
Place Name Specialized points Remarks (one point for winning the champion)
South Korea Social Venture Competition Asia(SVCA) 1  
Unspecified Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC) 1 Completed an overseas competition.
Thailand The Bangkok Business Challenge® 1 Completed an overseas competition.
  Competition of Enterprise for Sustainability 1 Semi-finalist
  L'Oreal Brandstorm 1 Semi-finalist
  ATCC Case Competition 1 Semi-finalist
International volunteers Students apply for permission in advance and obtain an official certificate of volunteer.
*The minimum length of domestic volunteer service applied for recognition is three months.
Enterprise Project Students selecting the one credit Enterprise Project Seminar must complete the project and hand in a closure report by the deadline, and must pass the course.
International element (such as the visit and exchange Wharton School, USA) Selected as a member of the exchange group or a TA

Students must report any of the above in advance, hand out an exchange report and participate in the achievement presentation arranged by the administration after returning to Taiwan.

※Noticed:During the coronavirus outbreak, the MBA Office postpone all the overseas bussiness training courses.