Job Title Associate Professor
Office Tel No. 81208
Research Expertise Business Valuation、Personal Finance、Portfolio Management
Teaching Field Merger, Acquisition, and Restructuring
Year Paper Title
2002 吳啟銘, 2002.09, '臺灣股栗市場的投資人行為與股價特性─行為財務學的論點與現象驗証, ' 臺灣經濟新報, Vol.0, No.0, pp.0., vol. 145087, Sep. 2002
2002 吳啟銘;鄭雅如, 2002.03, '動能策略與股票風格在臺灣股市的實証, ' 証券分析學報, Vol.0, No.0, pp.0., vol. 145088, Mar. 2002
2001 吳啟銘, 2001.09, '台灣價值指數之編製與精選 25成份股評價, ' 寶來價值創造指數專刊, Vol.0, No.0, pp.0., vol. 148539, Sep. 2001
2000 吳啟銘, 2000.07, '現金流量折現法的應用與限制, ' 金融研訓院簡訊, Vol.0, No.0, pp.0., vol. 148537, Jul. 2000
1997 吳啟銘, 1997.06, 'On the Designing and Foreign Exchange Hedging Issues of Taiwanese Euroconver-Tibles, ' 政治大學學報, No.第74期, pp.297-315., vol. 134352, Jun. 1997
1997 吳啟銘, 1997.05, '債券交換之研究,貨幣觀測與信用評等, ' 台灣經濟新報社,., vol. 134354, May. 1997
1997 吳啟銘, 1997.04, '台股指數期貨套利策略與定價─以Simex摩根台股指數期貨為例, ' 元大期貨季刊, pp.7-13., vol. 134353, Apr. 1997
1997 吳啟銘, 1997.01, '匯兌風險管理個案分析─以華德迪士尼為例, ' 理財顧問, pp.60-72., vol. 134358, Jan. 1997
1996 吳啟銘, 1996.12, '交換契約的功能與應用, ' 理財顧問, pp.7-9., vol. 134357, Dec. 1996
1996 吳啟銘, 1996.11, '善用選擇權規避外匯風險, ' 理財顧問, pp.7-9., vol. 134356, Nov. 1996
1996 吳啟銘, 1996.10, '運用期貨降低企業財務, ' 理財顧問, pp.38-41., vol. 134355, Oct. 1996
1992 吳啟銘, 1992.08, '美國證券分析師考試介紹, '., vol. 129726, Aug. 1992
1992 吳啟銘, 1992.07, '財務工程在財務風險管理之應用, '., vol. 131192, Jul. 1992
Year Paper Title
2017 吳啟銘*, 2017.07, 'Choice of Financial Advisers and M&A Performance, ' Proceeding of 2017 International Conference on Business and Information, International Business Academics Consortium (iBAC).(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2017
2016 吳啟銘*;Shao-Ming Syu, 2016.10, 'Financial Advisory Fees and M&A performance: US evidences, ' 6th Global Business and Finance Research Conference, World Business Institute, Australia.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2016
2015 吳啟銘*, 2015.12, 'Where do active returns come from? Evidence from Taiwan Equity Mutual Funds, ' 23rdSFMConference 2015 Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-senUniversity.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2015
2015 吳啟銘*;Ke Shan Hsu, 2015.06, 'Announcement returns of CEO Turnover – Taiwan evidences, ' 5th Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance, GSTF.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2015
2014 吳啟銘*;Min Hui, 2014.10, 'Can Trading behaviours of Institutional Investors signal M&A Quality? Taiwan Evidences., ' 3rd Global Business and Finance Research Conference, World Business Institute.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2014
2014 吳啟銘*;Julia Sadykova, 2014.05, 'Relationship between Strategic Orientation, Investment in Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance in Hospitality Industry in Taiwan, ' The 10th International conference of International Business studies, Taiwan Institute of International Business Studies.(*為通訊作者), May. 2014
2012 吳啟銘*;Ya-Hsin Lu, 2012.07, 'WHAT ARE MOTIVES FOR SEASONED EQUITY OFFERING? Taiwan evidences, ' 亞洲財金協會與台灣財務協會2012聯合國際會議論文集, 亞洲財金協會與台灣財務協會.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2012
2011 吳啟銘*, 2011.07, 'Tail Diversification value of Asia REITs--During recent subprime crisis period, ' AsREs/AREURA Joint International Conference 2011, Asian Real Estate Society & The American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2011
2011 吳啟銘*;Timothy H.E. Tan, 2011.05, 'Liquidity Discount in valuing unlisted targets - Japanese & Emerging China evidence, ' The 9th NTU International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting, Center for the Study of Banking and Finance (NTU-CSBF), National Taiwan University.(*為通訊作者), May. 2011
2011 吳啟銘*, 2011.04, 'Tail Diversification value of Asia REITs--During recent subprime crisis period, ' 世界華人不動產學會2011年會論文集(光牒片), 世界華人不動產學會, pp.1B資料夾.(*為通訊作者), Apr. 2011
2011 吳啟銘*;I-Hsuan Liu, 2011.02, 'MARKET LIQUIDITY, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE,AND FIRM VALUE - Taiwan Evidence, ' Proceeding of The Asia-Pacific Research Conference, World Business Institute, Sydney, Australia.(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2011
2010 吳啟銘*;郭懿萱, 2010.12, 'The Shareholder wealth Effects of Social Index Addition or Deletion, ' Proceeding of The 18th conference on the theories and practices of securities and financial markets, Natinal Sun Yat-sen University.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2010
2010 吳啟銘*, 2010.11, 'An examination of long-term abnormal stock returns following R&D changes -- Taiwan evidences, ' Proceeding of 2010 international conference on knowledge-based economy and global management, College of Business, Southern Taiwan University, pp.301-318.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2010
2010 吳啟銘*, 2010.07, 'Liquidity Discount in Valuing unlisted targets--Japanese M&A market evidence, ' International Symposium on Finance and Accounting, ISFA organizers.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2010
2010 吳啟銘, 2010.07, 'Do Taiwan REITs add value to investment portfolios during recent financial crisis period?, ' 世界華人不動產學會(GCREC) 2010年會, 世界華人不動產學會., Jul. 2010
2009 吳啟銘*;Timothy H.E. Tan*, 2009.12, 'Performance vs. Philanthropy: Performance Difference between Responsible Investment and Broad Market, ' The 17th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2009
2009 吳啟銘*;Timothy H.E. Tan*, 2009.12, 'Performance vs. Philanthropy:Revisiting the Wages of Social Responsibility, ' Proceeding of 11th International Business Research Conference, World Business Institute, Sydney, Australia.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2009
2007 吳啟銘*;Chien Hsing Lee, 2007.07, 'What Drives Taiwan Retail Chain Industry''s Future Growth Value, ' International Conference on Valuation: Frontiers and Challenges, Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies, Xiamen University, pp.pp.74-103.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2007
2006 吳啟銘, 2006.08, '台灣明基企業評價個案分析, ' 管理案例研究 2006年卷, 大連理工大學管理學院, pp.pp.35-66., Aug. 2006
2002 吳啟銘;范生平, 2002, '百略企業價值評估與創造策略之研究, ' 兩岸三地第二屆企業個案研討會, 大連理工大學., 2002
2001 吳啟銘, 2001, '威盛企業價值評估與創造策略之研究, ' 兩岸三地第一屆企業個案研討會, 大連理工大學., 2001
1999 吳啟銘, 1999, '盈餘品質與股票報酬, ' 盈餘品質與股票報酬, 1999台灣財務學會年會研討會., 1999
1999 吳啟銘, 1999, '退撫基金債券投資策略, ' 退撫基金債券投資策略, 考試院退撫基金管理委員會投資專題研討會., 1999
1997 吳啟銘, 1997.05, '退輔基金之資產配置與決策形成過程, ' 86年度公務人員退輔基金專題研討會., May. 1997
1992 吳啟銘, 1992.05, '我國股價波動與總體經濟變數之互動關係, ' 資本markets理論與實務研討會., May. 1992
Year Book Title
2010 吳啟銘*, 2010.03, '企業評價- 個案實証分析, ' 智勝文化, pp.1-380.(*為通訊作者), 312817, Mar. 2010
2009 吳啟銘, 2009.05, '聰明投資金律, ' 天下文化., 297120, May. 2009
2001 吳啟銘, 2001, '企業評價個案實証分析, ' 企業評價個案實証分析 2002/9 第四刷, 智勝出版社., 148551, 2001
1994 吳啟銘, 1994.03, 'The Effects of Volatility Misestimation on Synthetic, Option-replicating Portfolio Insurance, ' 國科會., 129845, Mar. 1994
1993 吳啟銘, 1993.03, '商業銀行自有資本與風險性資產比例有效性之研究, ' 國科會., 129844, Mar. 1993
Project Category Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
Other Projects 107 金融科技(含互聯網)對金融業之影響 WU CHI-MING Principal Investigator 2018.07 ~ 2018.12
Other Projects 95 我國產業附加價值之分析-以十二個樣本產業為例(延續計畫) WU CHI-MING Principal Investigator 2006.07 ~ 2006.12
Other Projects 94 我國產業經濟附加價值之分析 WU CHI-MING Principal Investigator 2005.02 ~ 2005.11
MOST Projects 87 外國機構投資人交易及其對股票價格之影響 WU CHI-MING Principal Investigator 1997.08 ~ 1998.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 86 股票投資風格之研究 WU CHI-MING Principal Investigator 1996.08 ~ 1997.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 85 台灣股票市場融資融券交易資訊與股價互動之研究 WU CHI-MING Principal Investigator 1995.08 ~ 1996.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 82 價格波動性的估計誤差對複製性賣權投資組合保險策略的影響 WU CHI-MING Principal Investigator 1993.05 ~ 1994.04 National Science and Technology Council
Year Research Title Publish Date Authors
2015 吳啟銘*, 2015.05, '投信事業募集發行另類基金之可行性之研究, ' 投信投顧公會.(*為通訊作者) 2015-05-01
2006 吳啟銘*, 2006.11, '我國產業附加價值之分析 -- 以十二個樣本產業為例, ' 工業技術研究院.(*為通訊作者) 2006-11-01
2005 吳啟銘, 2005.12, '我國產業附加價值之研究, ' 工業技術研究院. 2005-12-01
2002 吳啟銘;周士淳, 2002, '臺灣金控公司之研究, ' 日盛証券委託碩士論文獎助計畫.
2002 吳啟銘;楊宗翰, 2002, 'VAR 之研究, ' 日盛証券委託碩士論文獎助計畫.
1999 吳啟銘, 1999, '資產計價方式與退撫基金投資行為之研究, ' 退撫基金委託研究計畫.
1996 吳啟銘, 1996.08, '投資風格之研究, ' 國科會委託專題研究計劃. 1996-08-01
1996 吳啟銘, 1996.08, '投資風格之研究, ' 國科會委託專題研究計劃. 1996-08-01
1995 吳啟銘, 1995.08, '信用交易資訊與股票報酬率之互動關係, ' 國科會委託專題研究計劃. 1995-08-01
1993 吳啟銘, 1993.06, '投資學實習教材, ' 教育部商管自動化委託計劃. 1993-06-01
1993 吳啟銘, 1993.04, '價格波動性的估計誤差對複製性賣權投資組合保險策略的影響, ' 國科會. 1993-04-01
1992 吳啟銘, 1992.08, '銀行自有資本占風險性資產比例規定之有效性研究, ' 國科會委託專題研究計劃. 1992-08-01
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
U.S.A. 美國密西西比州立大學 Finance 博士 1987.08 ~ 1991.07
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立臺灣大學 商學系 碩士 1982.08 ~ 1984.07
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立政治大學 企業管理(學)系 學士 1978.09 ~ 1981.05
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Experience 政大校務基金投資小組 委員 2015.05 ~ 2017.05
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 副教授 2013.01 ~ Up to today
Experience 証券投資信託暨顧問商業同業公會 公益理事 2010.08 ~ 2016.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Center for Public and Business Administration Education Training Section 組主任 1994.08 ~ 1995.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Center for Public and Business Administration Education Training Section 組主任 1993.08 ~ 1994.07
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 副教授 1991.08 ~ 2013.01
Honor Category Year Award Name Awarding Unit
Inside School 110 資深優良教師(30年) 國立政治大學
Inside School 109 資深優良教師(20年) 國立政治大學
Inside School 91 三等服務獎章 政治大學
Inside School 90 資深優良教師(10年) 國立政治大學
Inside School 81 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)