Job Title | Associate Professor |
Name | PEI-YU PAI |
Office Tel No. | 81109 |
Research Expertise | Internet community to participate in behavior, Consumer decision-making behavior, Customer Relationship Management |
Teaching Field | Marketing Management |
Year | Paper Title |
2024 | 白佩玉*, 2024.11, 'Active participation in online brand communities: The interplay of newcomer adjustment and pride, ' 電子商務學報,.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 131096, Nov. 2024 |
2023 | 白佩玉*, 2023.12, 'Becoming a mother: A role learning perspective on the use of online community resources to facilitate a life-role transition, ' Information & Management, Vol.60, No.8, pp.103861.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 113066, Dec. 2023 |
2023 | Zhong, J. Y.;Hsieh, Y. C.;白佩玉;Lin, T. L.*, 2023.08, '資訊服務業服務創新研究:社會影響與關係交換的觀點, ' 臺大管理論叢, Vol.33, No.2, pp.85-126.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 108107, Aug. 2023 |
2022 | 白佩玉;H.-T. Tsai*;J.-Y. Zhong, 2022.10, 'Enhancing IT industry employees’ service innovation performance: antecedents and outcomes of service innovation engagement, ' European Journal of Marketing, Vol.56, No.8, pp.2455-2483.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 438324, Oct. 2022 |
2021 | Tsai, H.T.;白佩玉*, 2021.09, 'Too engaged to contribute? An exploration of antecedents and dual consequences of newcomer engagement in online social groups, ' Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol.22, No.5, pp.1311-1333.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 429320, Sep. 2021 |
2020 | P.-J. Kao;白佩玉*;H.T. Tsai, 2020.06, 'Looking at both sides of relationship dynamics in virtual communities: A social exchange theoretical lens, ' Information & Management, Vol.57, No.4, pp.1-12.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 424867, Jun. 2020 |
2020 | 鍾雅如;白佩玉*, 2020, '共居如何提升歸屬感? 以行動研究實證「玖樓共生公寓」之管理實務, ' 商略學報, Vol.12, No.3, pp.173-194.(*為通訊作者), vol. 428075, 2020 |
2016 | 白佩玉*;H.T. Tsai, 2016, 'Reciprocity norms and information-sharing behavior in online consumption communities: An empirical investigation of antecedents and moderators, ' Information & Management, Vol.53, No.1, pp.38–52.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 409270, 2016 |
2015 | P.-J. Kao*;白佩玉;T. Lin;J.-Y. Zhong, 2015, 'How transformational leadership fuels employees’ service innovation behavior, ' The Service Industries Journal, Vol.35, No.7-8, pp.448-466.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 407275, 2015 |
2014 | HT Tsai*;白佩玉, 2014, 'Why Do Newcomers Participate in Virtual Communities? An Integration of Self-Determination and Relationship Management Theories., ' Decision Support Systems, Vol.1, No.57, pp.178-187.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 402792, 2014 |
2013 | H.T. Tsai;白佩玉*, 2013, 'Explaining Members' Proactive Participation in Virtual Communities, ' International Journal of Human - Computer Studies, Vol.71, No.4, pp.475-491.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 378937, 2013 |
2013 | 白佩玉*;D. Arnott, 2013, 'User adoption of social networking sites: Eliciting uses and gratifications through a means–end approach, ' Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.29, No.3, pp.1039-1053.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 371692, 2013 |
2012 | H.T. Tsai;白佩玉*, 2012, 'Positive and negative aspects of online community cultivation: Implications for online stores’ relationship management, ' Information & Management, Vol.49, No.2, pp.111-117.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 362796, 2012 |
2011 | 白佩玉;H.T. Tsai, 2011, 'How virtual community participation influences consumer loyalty intentions in online shopping contexts: An investigation of mediating factors., ' Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.30, No.5, pp.603-615.(SSCI), vol. 362795, 2011 |
Year | Paper Title |
2024 | 白佩玉*;Chiaodeng Fei;Tzuyu Chen, 2024.04, 'Understanding consumers’ reactance of technology-enabled personalization: Perspectives on stress and fatigue., ' Proceedings of the 29th UK Academy for Information Systems, The UK Academy for Information Systems, pp.534-550.(*為通訊作者), Apr. 2024 |
2017 | 白佩玉*;Bo-Hsien Tsai, 2017.08, 'Customer Participation in Online Service Contexts: An Empirical Investigation in the Online Travel Booking, ' Innovation and Sustainability in Marketing, American Marketing Association, pp.O-8~O-9.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2017 |
2017 | 白佩玉*;Hsien-Tung Tsai;Jun-Yu Zhong, 2017.08, 'Why Service Employees Engage in Innovation Processes: A Dual Process Model, ' Innovation and Sustainability in Marketing, American Marketing Associaition, pp.O-25~O-26.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2017 |
2016 | H.-Y. Hung;白佩玉*;H.T. Tsai, 2016.08, 'Dancing with consumers’ value cocreation on a resource-integration platform: A stage setting of service-dominant logic in a green exchange ecosystem., ' 2016 Summer AMA Conference, American Marketing Association.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2016 |
2012 | 白佩玉*, 2012.12, '小林髮廊─服務創新機制之個案研究, ' 第十八屆服務業管理研討會個案集, pp.44-66.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2012 |
2011 | 白佩玉*, 2011.06, 'Identifying the differences between possible joiners and non-joiners of online communities, ' 2011 Asia-Pacific Association of Consumer Research..(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2011 |
2010 | 白佩玉*, 2010.09, 'How do hedonic- and utilitarian-oriented e-reader characteristics influence users’ adoption decisions? An empirical model from users’ perspective., ' 2010 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo..(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2010 |
2010 | 白佩玉*, 2010.09, ' Initial trust building in online community participation: Examining the moderators of individual traits., ' 2010 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo..(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2010 |
2010 | 白佩玉*, 2010.07, 'Member acquisition in online communities: an investigation of the antecedents and outcomes of initial trust., ' 2010 Academy of Marketing Conference.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2010 |
2009 | 白佩玉, 2009.05, 'Facilitating the development of firm-customer relationships through virtual community cultivation., ' 2009 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Meeting., May. 2009 |
Project Category | Year | Project Title | Participator | Job Title | Period | Unit |
MOST Projects | 113 | 難忘顧客體驗如何讓消費者願意支付溢價:學習為基礎的雙元中介觀點 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2024.08 ~ 2025.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 112 | 後疫情時代品牌如何透過體驗型消費提升消費者幸福感 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2023.08 ~ 2024.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 111 | 疫情下科技使用對消費者心理調適及購物行為的影響:匱乏觀點 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2022.08 ~ 2023.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 110 | 消費者如何適應科技驅動的個人化:壓力及倦怠的負向影響 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2021.08 ~ 2022.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 109 | 個人化行銷策略對精明消費行為之研究 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2020.08 ~ 2021.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 108 | 實體零售業採用行動科技對顧客心智及公司績效之影響探討 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2019.08 ~ 2020.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 107 | 社群商務情境下的顧客投入:顧客資源整合觀點 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2018.08 ~ 2019.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 106 | 從跨層次觀點探討個人因應變革之決策過程:以多重通路零售業為例 | PAI PEI-YU,PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2017.08 ~ 2018.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 105 | 新手媽媽如何透過線上社群資源進行角色移轉:角色學習觀點 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2016.08 ~ 2017.11 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 104 | 消費者對於線上評論之採納行為決策研究:社會影響觀點 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2015.08 ~ 2016.08 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 103 | 線上服務的顧客參與過程:服務主導邏輯觀點 | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 101 | 虛擬團隊成員的行為研究:新進者適應、團隊認同,及主動參與行為(2/2) | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 101 | 虛擬團隊成員的行為研究:新進者適應、團隊認同,及主動參與行為(1/2) | PAI PEI-YU | Principal Investigator | 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
Country | School Name | Department | Degree | Duration |
UNITED KINGDOM | the University of Warwick | Warwick Business School | 博士 | 2008.09 ~ 2011.07 |
UNITED KINGDOM | 英國Stirling大學 | 出版學研究所 | 碩士 | 2004.09 ~ 2005.06 |
UNITED KINGDOM | 英國愛克西特大學 | 國際管理所 | 碩士 | 2002.09 ~ 2003.07 |
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA | 國立政治大學 | 企業管理(學)系 | 學士 | 1998.09 ~ 2002.06 |
Experience Category | Organization Title | Department | Job Title | Duration |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Business Administration | 副教授 | 2024.02 ~ Up to today |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Business Administration | 副教授 | 2022.01 ~ 2023.08 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Business Administration | 副教授 | 2016.08 ~ 2021.09 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Business Administration | 助理教授 | 2013.01 ~ 2016.08 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Business Administration | 助理教授 | 2012.02 ~ 2013.01 |
Honor Category | Year | Award Name | Awarding Unit |
Inside School | 113 | 111學年度教學優良教師獎 (專業課程) | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 111 | 109學年度「院教學優良教師」 | 商學院 |
Inside School | 111 | 資深優良教師(10年) | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 111 | 教學優良教師獎(專業課程 ) | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 110 | 國科會研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 110 | 108學年度教學優良教師獎 (專業課程) | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 109 | 107學年度「院教學特優教師」 | 商學院 |
Inside School | 108 | 教學優良教師獎(專業課程;教學特優(108專、105專、103專) ) | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 108 | 106學年度「院教學優良教師」 | 商學院 |
Inside School | 106 | 104學年度「院教學特優教師」 | 商學院 |
Inside School | 105 | 教學優良教師獎(專業課程) | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 105 | 學術研究優良獎 | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 105 | 103學年度教學優良教師獎 (專業課程) | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 104 | 102學年度「院教學特優教師」 | 商學院 |
Inside School | 103 | 教學優良教師獎(專業課程) | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 103 | 101學年度「院教學特優教師」 | 商學院 |