职称 教授
姓名 韩志翔
联络电话 81003
研究专长 人力资源管理、工业关系、组织理论
授课领域 人力资源管理
年度 论文名称
2020 韩志翔*, 2020.08, 'A Multilevel Study of Brand-Specific Transformational Leadership: Employee and Customer Effects, ' Journal of Brand Management, No.27, pp.312–327.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 439413, Aug. 2020
2019 江旭新*;韩志翔;David McConville, 2019.12, 'A Multilevel Study of Brand-Specific Transformational Leadership: Employee and Customer Effects, ' Journal of Brand Management, pp.1-16.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 425805, Dec. 2019
2019 Wan-Chun Liao*;韩志翔, 2019.12, 'Lean Production and Organizational Performance: Moderating Roles of Ability- and Motivation-Focused Human Resource Management, ' the International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, Vol.19, No.4, pp.335-354.(*为通讯作者), vol. 425804, Dec. 2019
2018 Chiang, Hsu-Hsin*;韩志翔;David McConville, 2018, 'The attitudinal and behavioral impact of brand-centered human resource management: Employee and customer effects, ' International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.29, No.3, pp.939-960.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 415497, 2018
2015 Chiang, Hsu‐Hsin*;Aihwa Chang;韩志翔, 2015, 'The scale development of brand psychological ownership, ' 行销科学学报-Taiwan Journal of Marketing Science, Vol.11, No.2, pp.115 - 147.(*为通讯作者), vol. 415806, 2015
2015 Su-fen Chiu*;David Lin;Tzu-Shian Han, 2015, 'Employment status and employee service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating roles of internal mobility opportunity and job insecurity, ' Career Development International, Vol.20, No.2, pp.133-146.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 415665, 2015
2015 Chang, Aihwa*;Hsu‐Hsin Chiang;Tzu-Shian Han, 2015, 'Investigating the dual-route-effects of corporate branding on brand equity, ' Asia Pacific Management Review, No.20, pp.120-129.(法语(文))(*为通讯作者), vol. 415690, 2015
2015 韩志翔*;Chiang, Hsu‐Hsin;David McConville;Chia-Ling Chiang, 2015, 'A longitudinal investigation of person-organization fit, person-job fit and contextual performance: The mediating role of psychological ownership, ' Human Performance, Vol.28, pp.425–439.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 415689, 2015
2014 韩志翔*, 2014, '影响高绩效人力资源管理系统实施之因素:组织学习观点, '.(*为通讯作者), vol. 415816, 2014
2012 Chang, Aihaw*;Hsu-shin Chiang;Tzu-Shian Han, 2012.07, 'A multilevel investigation of relationships among brand-centered HRM, brand psychological ownership, brand citizenship behaviors, and customer satisfaction, ' European Journal of Marketing, Vol.5, No.46, pp.626-662.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 365459, Jul. 2012
2012 韩志翔*, 2012, '博物馆Facebook粉丝专页行销成效探究, '.(*为通讯作者), vol. 415265, 2012
2011 林紫妦*;韩志翔, 2011.06, '从英国经验探讨文化创意产业促进城市与区域创新之发展策略与应用, ' 产业管理评论, Vol.2, No.4, pp.47-59.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 375767, Jun. 2011
2011 Hsu-Hsin Chiang*;Han Tzu-Shian;Ju-Sung Chung, 2011, 'The retionship between high-commitment HRM and knowledge sharing behaviors and its mediators, ' International Journal of Manpower, Vol.32, No.5, pp.604-622.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 365463, 2011
2010 Yu-Chen Wei*;韩志翔;I-Chieh Hsu, 2010.10, 'High-performance HR practices and OCB: A cross-level investigation of a casual path, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.21, No.10, pp.1631-1648.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 321862, Oct. 2010
2010 韩志翔*;Hsu-Hsin Chiang;Aihwa Chang, 2010.08, 'Employee participation in decision making, psychological ownership and knowledge sharing: Mediating role of organizational commitment, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management,.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 321863, Aug. 2010
2010 韩志翔*;Wan-Chun Liao, 2010.03, 'Computer-integrated manufacturing and human capital-enhancing human resource management, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.21, No.3, pp.434-454.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 321861, Mar. 2010
2010 韩志翔*;Hsu-Hsin Chiang;Aihwa Chng, 2010, 'Employee participation in decision making, psychological ownership and knowledge sharing: Mediating role of organizaional commitment, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.21, No.12, pp.2218-2233.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 365468, 2010
2010 韩志翔*;Hsu-Hsin Chiang;Ju-Sung Chuang, 2010, 'The relationship between high-commitment HRM and knowledge sharing behaviors and its mediators, ' International Journal of Manpower,.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 321864, 2010
2009 韩志翔*;江旭新;杨敦程, 2009, '高承诺人力资源管理,知觉组织支持,信任与知识分享之关系探讨:跨层次的分析, ' 管理评论,.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 267224, 2009
2009 庄如松;韩志翔*;简博浩, 2009, '适应性绩效量表之发展, ' 中国行政, No.81, pp.85-103.(*为通讯作者), vol. 321860, 2009
2008 Tzu-Shian Han*;Wan-Chun Liao, 2008.09, 'Computer-integrated manufacturing and human capital-enhancing human resource management, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management,.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 267223, Sep. 2008
2008 Nai-wen Chi*;Tzu-Shian Han, 2008.08, 'Exploring the linkages between formal ownership and psychological ownership for the organization: The mediating role of organizational justice, ' Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, pp.1-23.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 267194, Aug. 2008
2008 简博浩*;韩志翔, 2008.06, '任务性,脉络性及适应性绩效表现对主管奖酬决策的影响:调查法及实验法, ' 台大管理论丛, Vol.18, No.2, pp.27-62.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 267193, Jun. 2008
2008 Tzu-Shian Han*;Carol Lin;Mavis Chen, 2008, 'Developing human capital indicators: A three-way approach, ' International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol.5, No.3/4, pp.387-403.(Inderscience publishers)(*为通讯作者), vol. 267212, 2008
2007 Han, Tzu-Shian*;Chun-Hwa Shen, 2007.03, 'The effects of bonus systems on firm performance in Taiwan’s high-tech sector, ' Journal of Comparative Economics,.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 215648, Mar. 2007
2005 Chiu, Su-fen*;Han, Tzu-Shian, 2005.10, 'Exploring the antecedents of support for employee participation, ' 政大劳动学报, No.18.(*为通讯作者), vol. 194374, Oct. 2005
2005 Han, Tzu-Shian*, 2005.01, 'The effects of employee involvement on the control of employees, ' 政大劳动学报, No.17.(*为通讯作者), vol. 194386, Jan. 2005
2005 Chiu, Su-Fen;Tzu-Shian Han*, 2005, 'Employee participation, organization commitment and human resource management policies in Taiwan''s privatizing companies, ' 政治大学勞动学报, No.十八, pp.119-155.(*为通讯作者), vol. 215647, 2005
2004 Tzu-Shian Han*, 2004.07, 'Representative workers'' participation and social dialogue: Germany vs. Taiwan, ' 政大劳动学报, No.16, pp.93-124.(*为通讯作者), vol. 181317, Jul. 2004
2003 Cin, Beom-cheol;韩志翔;Stephen C. Smith*, 2003, '“A tale of two tigers: Employeefinancial participation in Korea and Taiwan”, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.14, No.6, pp.920-941.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 143158, 2003
2003 韩志翔, 2003, 'The economic effects of profit sharing and Taiwan-style employestock ownership plans: Evidence from Taiwan’s high-tech firms”, ' Taiwan Academy of Management Journal, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-22., vol. 143156, 2003
2002 邱淑芬*;韩志翔;林盈君, 2002, '「员工参与制度与组织公民行为之关系-以台湾高科技产业例」, ' 管理学报, Vol.19, No.06, pp.1009-1043.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 143154, 2002
2002 韩志翔;高景彬;吴宜贞, 2002, '「驻外人员人力资源管理制度对海外适应与工作绩效影响之研究-以政府机关为例」, ' 人力资源管理学报, Vol.02, No.01, pp.37-55., vol. 143152, 2002
2001 Avner Ben-Ner*;Fanmin Kong;韩志翔;Nien-Chi Liu;Yong-Seung Park, 2001, '“The organization of work: Changes and their consequences”, ' Nordic Journal of Political Economy, Vol.27, No.2, pp.121-134.(Econlit)(*为通讯作者), vol. 143150, 2001
2001 韩志翔, 2001, '「工厂自动化电脑整合制造与薪资策略」, ' 管理学报, Vol.18, No.03, pp.421-451.(TSSCI), vol. 143148, 2001
2000 韩志翔;Su-Fen Chiu, 2000, '“Industrial democracy and institutional environment: a comparison of Germany and Taiwan,”, ' Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol.21, No.2, pp.147-182.(SSCI), vol. 143234, 2000
年度 论文名称
2019 江旭新*;韩志翔, 2019.07, 'The Multilevel Effect of Ethical Leadership on Brand Citizenship Behavior: The Moderated Mediation of Brand Commitment and Person-brand Fit, '.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2019
2018 韩志翔*, 2018.04, '设计思考与创新的整合模式建立, '.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2018
2018 韩志翔*;陈湘姿, 2018.04, '公司治理、伦理领导与企业绩效的过程模式探讨, '.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2018
2012 韩志翔*;黄丽蓉;锺凤瑜, 2012.10, '公司品牌管理与品牌公民行为之关系研究-已品牌导向的人力资源管理予以员工为基础的品牌权益为中介变量(封面), ' 2012第六届海峡两岸企业管理的学术研讨会.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2012
2012 韩志翔*;陈嘉纯;锺凤瑜, 2012.10, '员工对员工协助方案的知晓以及满意程度与以员工为本的品牌权益之关联性研究:以知觉组织支持为中界变量, ' 2012第六届海峡两岸企业管理的学术研讨会.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2012
2012 Tsaih, Rua-Huan*;James Quo-Ping Lin;Tzu-Shian Han;Yi-Ting Chao;Hui-Chun Chan, 2012, 'ICT-enabled service innovations of the National Palace Museum and their Design, ' ACEI2012, 12th International Conference on Cultural Economics.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), 2012
2012 Lin, Cheng-Yi*;Tzu-Shian Han;Yi-Ting Chao;Hui-Chun Chan, 2012, 'The emerging challenge of creative economy and creative clusters in Taipei urban region: Areflection on creative city tryheo, ' ACEI2012, 12th International Conference on Cultural Economics.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), 2012
2012 韩志翔*;Rua-Huan Tsaih;James Quo-Ping Lin;Woodies Wu;Hui-Chun Chan, 2012, 'Video-based Internet platform of cultural exhibitions and its effects: the case of the Naional Palace Museum in Taipei, ' AECI 2012, 12th International Conference on Cultural Economics.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), 2012
2012 Chang, Aihwa*;Hsu-shin Chang;Tzu-Shian Han, 2012, 'The multilevel relationship between corporate branding and brand equity: the mediating role of brand citizenship behavior, ' 2012 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), 2012
2008 韩志翔*;Hsu-Hsin Chiang;Aihwa Chang, 2008, 'Employee participation, psycological ownership and knowledge sharing, ' 2008 Academy of Management Meeting August.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), 2008
2008 韩志翔*;江旭新;杨敦程, 2008, '高承诺人力资源管理、知觉组织支持、信任与知识分享之关系讨论:跨层次的分析, ' 2008管理评论年会暨第一届前瞻管理学术研讨会.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), 2008
2008 韩志翔*;Wan-Chun Liao, 2008, 'Antecedents affecting implementation of High Performance Work System, ' 2008 Asia Academy of Management Annual Meeting.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), 2008
2007 Chi, Nai-Wen*;Han, Tzu-Shian, 2007, 'Exploring the routes and boundaries of psycological ownership in high-technology firms, ' 2007 Academy of Management Meeting, August.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), 2007
2007 韩志翔*, 2007, 'High-commitment human resource management and knowledge managemetn behaviors, ' 2007 Academy of Management Meeting, August.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), 2007
2006 韩志翔*;庄如松;葉柏秀, 2006, '高绩效人力资源管理与知識分享之关系:以组织承諾与组织公民行为为中介变數, ' International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference, 中国管理研究国际学会议.(*为通讯作者), 2006
2005 Tzu-Shian Han;Yu-chen Wei, 2005.08, 'High-commitment Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviors: A Multi-level Approach, ' 2005 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management., Aug. 2005
2004 韩志翔*, 2004.08, 'Computer-integrated manufacturing and human capital-enhancing human resource management, ' 2004 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2004
2004 韩志翔;庄如松, 2004.07, '人力资源管理活动对个人层次知识管理行为之关连性分析—以组织承诺与组织公平为中介变量, ' 『新环境、新课题、新策略、2004年人力资源之创新与蜕变-教育训练、中小企业、公共政策』研讨会, 国家文官培训所( 中华人力资源发展学会 承办)., Jul. 2004
2004 韩志翔;陈怡静, 2004.07, '电脑整合制造与生产绩效的关系:创新性人力资源管理的中介效果, ' 『新环境、新课题、新策略、2004年人力资源之创新与蜕变-教育训练、中小企业、公共政策』研讨会, 国家文官培训所( 中华人力资源发展学会 承办)., Jul. 2004
2004 韩志翔;邱淑芬;陈怡静;邓邦雯, 2004.06, '工作特性与薪资设计关系之研究, ' International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Inaugural Conference (中国管理研究国际学会创始大会)中文论坛, 中国管理研究国际学会., Jun. 2004
2004 韩志翔;魏郁祯, 2004.06, '智慧资本与组织绩效:知识管理与人力资源之交互作用, ' International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Inaugural Conference (中国管理研究国际学会创始大会)中文论坛., Jun. 2004
2003 锺珮珊;韩志翔, 2003.10, '大润发个案(第九届服务业管理研讨会个案集), ' 第九届服务业管理研讨会个案集, 台北:国立政治大学公企中心., Oct. 2003
2002 韩志翔;锺珮珊, 2002.10, '「运动休閒产业的服务创新-以亚历山大为例」, ' 第八届服务业管理研讨会个案集, *., Oct. 2002
2002 韩志翔, 2002.07, '“The economic effects of profit sharing and employee stock ownership plans: the case of Taiwan’s high-tech firms,”, ' PARTICIPATION WORLD-WIDE,’, THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ECONOMICS OF PARTICIPATION,‘., Jul. 2002
2002 韩志翔;Ben-Ner, Avner;Fanmin Kong, 2002.01, '“Do ESOPs matter? Productivity,profitability, employment, wages, and workplace safety,”, ' the 2002 American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting, 0., Jan. 2002
2002 韩志翔;邱淑芬;吴崇宾, 2002, '「员工决策参与,心理拥有感与组织公民行为之关联性研究」, ' 2002人力资源论文与案例发表会, 国科会., 2002
2001 韩志翔, 2001.12, '「智慧资本与组织绩效:知识管理与人力资源之交互作用」, ' 国家科学委员会专题研究计画成果发表会管理(一)学门一般管理领域--知识经济时代企业经营的新思论文集, 国科会., Dec. 2001
2001 韩志翔;陈悦琴, 2001.10, '「TO’GO 旅游网站的经营-实体搭配虚拟通路」, ' 第七届服务业管理研讨会, *., Oct. 2001
2001 韩志翔;Chen, Yuen-Chin, 2001.06, 'The effects of inter-firm collaborative learning on strategic developments in a bilateral alliance between transnational corporations: The case study of NIKE and its relationships with Pou-Chen and Fen-Tay Group,”, ' 2001 International Conference in Management Sciences Proceedings, Tamkang University,., Jun. 2001
2000 韩志翔;Chiu, Su-fen, 2000.09, 'Employee participation, organizational commitment and human resource management,”, ' 12 International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) World Congress, Track 5, titled “Asia in the Twenty-first Century Challenges and Opportunities in Work and Labor,”, 0., Sep. 2000
2000 韩志翔;Su-fen Chiu, 2000.09, '“The impacts of computer integrated manufacturing on job characteristics and human resources management,”, ' the 12 International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) World Congress, Track 1, titled “Exploring Trends in Employment Relations and New Approaches to Work in the Twenty-first Century,”, 0., Sep. 2000
2000 韩志翔, 2000.09, '“The effects of employee involvement on the control of employees,”, ' 12 International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) World Congress, Track 3, titled “Changing Patterns of Employee and Union Participation: Toward New Systems of Industrial Relations,”, 0., Sep. 2000
2000 韩志翔, 2000.06, '「全面品质导向之人力资源管理对员工工作态度与行为之影响」, ' 第一届提升竞争力与经营管理研讨会, *., Jun. 2000
2000 韩志翔;吴思华, 2000.01, '「网际网络产业创新的人格特质之研究」, ' 政治大学科技管理研究所研讨会, 国科会., Jan. 2000
2000 韩志翔;Chiu, Su-fen, 2000.01, '‘Managing knowledge and its effects on firm performance,”, ' Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA) Annual Meeting (the Allied Social Science Associations), 0., Jan. 2000
1999 韩志翔;邱淑芬, 1999.12, '「电脑整合制造、蓄积性人力资源管理、与操作绩效」, ' 科技管理学会年会暨论文研讨会, 国立中山大学., Dec. 1999
1999 韩志翔;Ben-Ner, Avner, Fanmin Kong,;Stacie Bosley, Allen Burns,;Richard Butler,Nienchi Liu, 1999.06, '“Workplace organization and human resource practices: the retail food industry,”, ' Taipei International Conference on Labor Market Transition and Labor Migration in East Asia, the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica,., Jun. 1999
1999 韩志翔;Ben-Ner, Avner,;Nienchi Liu, 1999.06, '“The effects of the organization of work on firm performance: An empirical investigation of productivity and profitability,”, ' Taipei International Conference on Labor Market Transition and Labor Migration in East Asia, the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Nankang,., Jun. 1999
1999 韩志翔;Avner Ben-Ner, 1999.01, '“Systems of human resources management and firm performance: A longitudinal study of Minnesota''s publicly traded manufacturing firms,”, ' 1999 Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA) Annual Meeting, 0., Jan. 1999
1998 韩志翔, 1998.09, '“The role of social dialogue in the development of industrial democracy:A Comparison of Taiwan and Germany”, ' International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) 11th World Congress, titled “Developing Competitiveness and Social Justice: the Interplay between Institutions and Social Partners,”, 0., Sep. 1998
1998 韩志翔;Su-fen Chiu, 1998.06, '“Institutional environments and industrial democracy”, ' th Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation, “Participation and Change in the Global Economy”, University of Bristol., Jun. 1998
1998 韩志翔;Ben-Ner,Avner F. Kong,S.Bosley;W. A. Burns, R. Butler,;N.Liu, andY.S.York, 1998, '“Workplace organization and human resource practices: The retail food industry,”, ' Understanding the Service Workplace” Conference, Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania,., 1998
1996 韩志翔;Ben-Ner, Avner, 1996.01, 'A Portrait of the Evolving Workplace and its Human Resource Practices, ' The Allied Social Science Associations 1996 Annual Meeting (North American Economics and Finance Association Meeting)., Jan. 1996
1996 韩志翔, 1996, '劳工参与及组织环境, ' 产业发展国际化与劳资关系学术研讨会, 行政院劳工委员会., 1996
1996 韩志翔, 1996, '美国产业民主制度之实效, ' 产业民主制度学术研讨会, 行政院劳工委员会与财团法人劳工研究资料中心., 1996
1995 韩志翔, 1995.07, 'The Micro-Macro Effects of Employee Participation in Control and Returns:Implications for National Goals, ' 八十四年国建会劳动问题分组., Jul. 1995
年度 书名
2007 黄良志*;黄家齐;温金丰;廖文志;韩志翔, 2007, '人力资源管理:理论与实务, ' 华泰文化.(*为通讯作者), 365498, 2007
2006 韩志翔*;陈怡静, 2006, '人力资本的概念与衡量, ' 智慧资本管理, 华泰文化.(*为通讯作者), 216100, 2006
2005 韩志翔*;锺珮珊, 2005, '宜蘭国际童玩艺术杰-挡不住的人潮, ' 艺术产业行销个案集, 智胜文化事业.(*为通讯作者), 216099, 2005
2004 韩志翔*;陈悦琴, 2004, 'TO’Go Travel旅游网站的经营:实体搭配虚拟通路, ' 服务业管理个案, 智胜文化事业.(*为通讯作者), 216098, 2004
2002 韩志翔*;陈瑞麟, 2002, '企业概论:企业的新境界, ' 东华.(*为通讯作者), 365502, 2002
2001 韩志翔;Ben-Ner, Avner;Fanmin Kong,Nien-Chi Liu;Yong-Seung Park,Stephen JSmela, 2001, '“What works at work? Evidence from the Minnesota Human Resources Management Practices Study,”, ' 0., 143224, 2001
2001 Ben-Ner, Avner;Fanmin Kong;Tzu-Shian Han*; Nien-Chi Liu;Yong-Seung Park;Stephen J. Smela, 2001, 'What works at work? Evidence from the Minnesota Human Resources Management Practices Study, '.(*为通讯作者), 216097, 2001
1997 Kleiner, Morris;Tzu-Shian Han*, 1997, 'Employee communications: An overview, '.(*为通讯作者), 215671, 1997
1997 韩志翔, 1997, '「劳工参与及组织环境」, ' 行政院劳工委员会., 143230, 1997
1997 韩志翔, 1997, '“The productivity effects of employee participation in control and in economic returns: A survey of econometric studies,”, ' Human Resource Management Handbook , pp. 87-110., JAI Press., 143216, 1997
1996 韩志翔;陈家声;邱淑芬;郑仁伟;陈若玲, 1996.08, '1996年台湾产业人员资源作业手册, ' 中国时报., 134918, Aug. 1996
1996 韩志翔;;, 1996, 'The Productivity Effects of Employee Participation in Control and in Economics Returns:A Survey of Econometric Studies, ' Routledge., 134895, 1996
1996 韩志翔;高蓉光, 1996, '一九九六年台湾产业人力资源管理手册, ' 中国时报., 119339, 1996
1995 韩志翔, 1995, '“Employee participation in decision making and financial returns:effects on firm performance,”, ' “Employee participation in decision making and financial returns: effects on firm performance”, University of Minnesota., 143210, 1995
计画类别 年度 计画名称 参与人 职称/担任之工作 计画期间 补助/委讬或合作机构
科技部 112 绿色人力资源管理,公司治理与ESG永续绩效关联性研究 韩志翔 计画主持人 2023.08 ~ 2024.12 国科会
科技部 111 建立一个伦理领导与永续发展的流程模式:中介与调节因素的探索性研究 韩志翔 计画主持人 2022.08 ~ 2023.10 国科会
科技部 109 伦理领导与员工创意关联性研究:中介与调节效果的探讨 韩志翔 计画主持人 2020.08 ~ 2021.12 国科会
科技部 108 数码转型策略与领导力以及管理能力发展关联性研究 韩志翔 计画主持人 2019.08 ~ 2020.12 国科会
科技部 106 设计思考与创新整合模式的建立 韩志翔,韩志翔 计画主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.11 国科会
科技部 103 公司治理,劳工参与,心理拥有感,组织承诺,劳资争议与财务绩效的关系:一个针对台湾上市公司的长期性与多层次的研究 韩志翔 计画主持人 2014.08 ~ 2016.01 国科会
科技部 101 故宫博物院的科技化服务创新-子计画三:故宫博物院数码典藏与国外知名博物馆网络资源的比较研究,及其网络平台新接口对使用者满意度与品牌权益的影响(3/3) 韩志翔 计画主持人 2014.01 ~ 2015.03 国科会
科技部 101 公司治理,高绩效人力资源管理,智慧资本,与企业绩效之关连性研究:一个整合模式的验证 韩志翔,林宛莹 计画主持人 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 国科会
科技部 98 建立品牌心理拥有感的一个整合模式与实证分析:多层级与长期性研究(3/3) 韩志翔 计画主持人 2011.08 ~ 2013.01 国科会
科技部 98 建立品牌心理拥有感的一个整合模式与实证分析:多层级与长期性研究(2/3) 韩志翔 计画主持人 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 国科会
科技部 95 员工参与,归属认知,与正向态度以及知识分享行为之关连性研究 韩志翔 计画主持人 2006.08 ~ 2007.07 国科会
科技部 94 高承诺人力资源管理对公司绩效的影响:针对心理气候、正向的工作态度与行为、流程创新绩效以及顾客满意中介因素的多层次与多阶段分析 韩志翔 计画主持人 2005.08 ~ 2007.03 国科会
科技部 89 智慧资本与组织绩效:知识管理与人力资源之交互作用 韩志翔 计画主持人 2000.08 ~ 2001.07
年度 名称 发表日期 全部作者
2012 韩志翔*, 2012, '故宫博物院的科技化服务创新-子计画三:故宫博物院数码典藏与国外知名博物馆网络资源的比较研究,及其网络平台新接口对使用者满意度与品牌权益的影响, ' 国科会.(*为通讯作者)
2009 韩志翔*, 2009, '品牌心理拥有感, ' 国科会.(*为通讯作者)
2007 韩志翔*, 2007, '心里拥有感的前因与情境, ' 国科会.(*为通讯作者)
2006 韩志翔*, 2006, '员工參与,归属认知,与正向态度以及知識分享行为之关連性研究, '.(*为通讯作者)
2005 韩志翔*, 2005, '电脑整合制造,蓄积性人力资源管理与生产绩效, ' 国科会研究计画.(*为通讯作者)
2003 韩志翔, 2003.08, '高能力-高承诺人力资源管理与个人层次知识管理关连性研究, ' 国立政治大学企业管理学系. 2003-08-01
2002 韩志翔, 2002.08, '建设性社会对话对代议性劳工参与制度的影响:德国与台湾的比较, ' 国立政治大学企业管理学系. 2002-08-01
2001 韩志翔, 2001.08, '跨国合作厂商竞合关系与策略发展研究, ' 国立政治大学企业管理学系. 2001-08-01
2000 韩志翔, 2000.08, '智慧资本与组织绩效:知识管理与人力资源之交互作用, ' 国立政治大学企业管理学系. 2000-08-01
2000 韩志翔, 2000.07, '全面品质导向的人力资源管理对员工态度与行为之影响, ' 国立政治大学企业管理学系. 2000-07-01
2000 韩志翔;邱淑芬, 2000, '「缩减工时对企业的影响及企业因应对策之探讨」, ' 国科会.
2000 韩志翔;邱淑芬, 2000, '「员工拥有对组织公民行为影响之研究」, ' 国科会.
1999 韩志翔, 1999, '「台开信讬公司开发部与信讬部激励制度之设计」, ' 台开信讬公司开发部与信讬部.
1999 韩志翔;吴思华, 1999, '「网际网络产业创新与个人技术创造力关连之研究」, ' 国科会.
1998 韩志翔, 1998.08, '工作特性与薪资关系之研究:代理观点的应用, ' 国立政治大学企业管理学系. 1998-08-01
1998 韩志翔, 1998.08, '全面品质管理人力资源与操作绩效之研究, ' 国立政治大学企业管理学系. 1998-08-01
1998 韩志翔;邱淑芬;张锡惠, 1998, '「中华顾问工程司薪酬竞争力与绩效奖励制度研究」, '.
1997 韩志翔, 1997, '「整合制造技术,管理者特性与人力资源管理系统的关系之研究」, '.
1997 韩志翔;吴蓓南, 1997, '「飞向卓越:新加坡航空公司的故事」, '.
1997 韩志翔;于卓民;林妙雀, 1997, '「中国石油公司国际化营运之管理研究」, ' 国立政治大学公企中心.
国家 学校名称 系所 学位 期间
美国 美国明尼苏达大学 (人力)资源管理学系 博士 1989.08 ~ 1995.06
美国 美国罗格斯大学 (人力)资源管理学系 硕士 1987.01 ~ 1989.06
台湾,中华民国 国立台湾大学 历史学系 学士 1980.09 ~ 1983.06
经历类别 服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 教授 2024.02 ~ 2025.02
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 教授 2019.08 ~ 2023.02
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 教授 2016.02 ~ 2019.02
校内兼职 政治大学 商学院学生事务与校友服务办公室 主任 2015.07 ~ 2016.02
校内兼职 政治大学 企业管理学系 系主任 2013.08 ~ 2014.07
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 教授 2013.01 ~ 2015.08
校内兼职 政治大学 企业管理学系 系主任 2012.08 ~ 2013.07
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 教授 2011.08 ~ 2013.01
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 教授 2007.08 ~ 2011.02
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 教授 2003.08 ~ 2007.02
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 副教授 1995.08 ~ 2003.08