职称 教授兼企管系系主任
姓名 洪叔民
联络电话 81033
研究专长 作业管理、供应链管理、电子商务
授课领域 营运与供应链管理、管理模型分析
年度 论文名称
2022 Chih-Lun Wu;Shwu-Min Horng*, 2022.07, 'Social Commerce Intention, Social Interaction, and Social Support: Moderating Role of Social Anxiety, ' Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Vol.34, No.1, pp.1-23.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 439905, Jul. 2022
2021 Chao, C-L*;洪叔民, 2021.06, 'CEO Succession, Audit Pricing, and Firm Value: The Role of Industry Knowledge, ' Review of Accounting and Auditing Studies, Vol.11, No.1, pp.69-102.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 436529, Jun. 2021
2020 洪叔民*, 2020.12, 'How Does Social Identification Moderate the Repurchase Intention?: From the Perspect of OGB, ' Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Vol.32, No.4, pp.1-25.(SSCI, SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 422209, Dec. 2020
2020 C. Chao*;Shwu-Min Horng, 2020.08, 'The Effects of Relaxing the Reconciliation Requirement in Foreign Private Issuers’ SEC Filings on Earnings Management Strategies: IFRS Adopters versus U.S. GAAP Adopters, ' 台大管理论丛, Vol.30, No.2, pp.71-134.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 422210, Aug. 2020
2020 Chia-Ling Chao*;Shwu-Min Horng, 2020.06, 'CEO Tenure and Earnings Management: The Role of Internal Governance, ' 会计审计论丛, Vol.10, No.1, pp.39-77.(*为通讯作者), vol. 429069, Jun. 2020
2020 洪叔民;Wu, C-L*, 2020.03, 'How behaviors on social network sites and online social capital influence social commerce intentions, ' Information & Management, Vol.57, No.2, pp.xx-xx.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 422453, Mar. 2020
2019 Yu-Tzu Chang*;Chia-Ling Chao;Shwu-Min Horng, 2019.11, 'CEO Reputation and Audit Fees, ' 当代会计,.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 426867, Nov. 2019
2018 Shwu-Min Horng*;Chia-Ling Chao, 2018.01, 'How Risk Tolerance Constrains Perceived Risk on Smartphone Users' Risk Behavior, ' Information Technology-New Generations (Part of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing), Vol.558, pp.67-72.(EI, SCOPUS)(*为通讯作者), vol. 429023, Jan. 2018
2016 洪叔民*, 2016.12, 'A study of active and passive user participation in virtual communities, ' Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol.17, No.4, pp.289-311.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 411533, Dec. 2016
2016 洪叔民*;李易谕;吴志伦, 2016.01, 'A Study of the paying behaviour for subscribing social network sites, ' Computer Communications, Vol.73, No.1, pp.282-290.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 408347, Jan. 2016
2014 洪叔民*, 2014, '浩汉产品设计—设计业专案管理, ' 管理个案评论, Vol.5, No.1, pp.63-82.(光华管理个案数据库)(*为通讯作者), vol. 406433, 2014
2014 洪叔民*, 2014, '地图日记—如何发展 Web 2.0 社群网站, ' 管理个案评论, Vol.5, No.2, pp.49-66.(光华管理个案数据库)(*为通讯作者), vol. 406432, 2014
2013 C. Chao;洪叔民*, 2013.08, 'Does the SEC''s Waiver of Reconciliation of IFRS to U.S. GAAP Improve Accounting Quality?, ' Accounting and Finance Journal, Vol.2, No.3, pp.78-97.(*为通讯作者), vol. 393953, Aug. 2013
2013 Chao, C.;洪叔民*, 2013.01, 'Asset Write-Offs Discretion and Accruals Management in Taiwan: The Role of Corporate Governance, ' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.40, No.1, pp.41-74.(, 国科会财管及会计A 级期刊)(*为通讯作者), vol. 363477, Jan. 2013
2012 洪叔民*, 2012.08, 'A Study of the Factors Influencing Users’ Decisions to Pay for Web 2.0 Subscription Services, ' Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol.23, No.8, pp.891-912.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 364155, Aug. 2012
2012 洪叔民*;Lee, Y-Y;Wu, C-L, 2012.02, 'Applying a decomposed theory of planned behavior to study the intentions of paying behaviors in a virtual community, ' International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing, Vol.3, No.2, pp.15-22.(SCOPUS)(*为通讯作者), vol. 426868, Feb. 2012
2011 Chao, C-L;洪叔民*, 2011.10, 'An Examination of Long-Lived Asset Impairments: Write-Off Characteristics, Timeliness, and Market Reaction, ' Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Vol.11, pp.113-146.(FLI (国科会财管及会计B 级期刊))(*为通讯作者), vol. 304853, Oct. 2011
2008 R. J., Kuo*;S. Horng;Y. Li;Y. C. Huang, 2008.08, 'Continuous genetic algorithm-based fuzzy neural network for learning fuzzy IF-THEN rules, ' Neurocomputing, Vol.71, No.13-15, pp.2893-2907.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 235586, Aug. 2008
2007 S. Horng*;B. Wu;J. Liu;C. Chan;M. Lin;D. Lin, 2007.12, 'Air Macau Cargo: The Challenges a Regional Air Cargo Service, ' Management Review (管理评论), Vol.26, pp.109-133.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 235572, Dec. 2007
2005 J. W. Fowler*;Kim, W. M.;W. M. Carlyle;E. Gel;S. Horng, 2005.01, 'Evaluating A Posteriori Solution Techniques for Bi-criteria Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems, ' Journal of Scheduling, Vol.8, No.1, pp.75-96.(EI, SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 194270, Jan. 2005
2004 C. Chao;R. Kelsey;S. Horng;C. Chiu, 2004.01, 'Evidence of earnings management from the measurement of the deferred tax allowance account, ' Engineering Economics, Vol.49, No.1, pp.63 - 92.(SCIE), vol. 163073, Jan. 2004
2003 C-Y Chiu;C-H Paul Liu;W-L Chou;S. Horng;R-J Ku, 2003.12, 'A Wafer Fabrication Dispatching Method for Minimizing Inventory Variability Using Fuzzy Inference, ' International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol.10, No.4, pp.621 - 627.(SCIE), vol. 163072, Dec. 2003
2003 J.W. Fowler;S. Horng;J.K. Cochran, 2003.09, 'A Hybridized Genetic Algorithm to Solve Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Sequence Dependent Setups, ' International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol.10, No.3, pp.232 - 243.(SCIE), vol. 163074, Sep. 2003
2003 J.K. Cochran;S. Horng;J.W. Fowler, 2003.07, 'A Multi-Population Genetic Algorithm to Solve Multi-objective Parallel Machines Scheduling Problems, ' Computers and Operations Research, Vol.30, No.7, pp.1087-1102.(SSCI), vol. 167850, Jul. 2003
2003 C. Chao;S. Horng, 2003.03, 'Development and Cost-Effective Applications of an Expert System for Improving Productivity: A Real-World Case Study, ' International Journal of Management, Vol.20, No.3, pp.360-376.(ABI), vol. 167862, Mar. 2003
2000 S. Horng;J.W. Fowler;L.K. Cochran, 2000.04, 'A Genetic Algorithms Approach to Manage Ion Implantation Processes in Wafer Fabrication, ' International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol.1, No.2/3, pp.156-172.(SSCI), vol. 167876, Apr. 2000
1999 J.W. Fowler;J.K. Cochran;S. Horng, 1999.02, 'A Group-Technology Coded Literature Review of Semiconductor Manufacturing Publications: The MASMLAB Bibliography Web Site, ' IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol.12, No.2, pp.259-263.(IEEE), vol. 167883, Feb. 1999
年度 论文名称
2024 Rishan Adha*;Yuo-Hsien Shiau;Su-Fen Yang;Shwu-Min Horng;Badrudin Jurniawan, 2024.11, 'Sustainable Urban Energy: Weather, Air Pollution, and Efficiency (Makalot Industry-Academic Collaboration Award, Best paper award for the 3rd place), ' Proceedings of ISQM 2024, Chinese Society for Quality and National Chengchi University.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2024
2023 Chao, C-L;洪叔民*;Yu, Yi-Fu;Chang, Yuan-Yao, 2023.06, 'CEO Turnover and Firm Innovation: The Role of Supply Chain Knowledge, ' DRUID23, Copenhagen Business School.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2023
2022 洪叔民*;Chao, C-L, 2022.05, 'Do Auditors Respond to Media Coverage of New CEOs?, ' 44th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, European Accounting Association.(*为通讯作者), May. 2022
2019 Chao, C.*;Horng, S., 2019.12, 'CEO Succession, Audit Pricing, and Firm Value: The Role of Supply Chain Knowledge, ' The 10th TJAR Conference, The Japanese Accounting Review.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2019
2018 Chao, C.*;Horng, S. M., 2018.05, 'CEO tenure, internal governance, and earnings management, ' European Accounting Association Annual Congress, European Accounting Association.(*为通讯作者), May. 2018
2018 Yang, P-T*;Yang, K-H;Chen, C-C;Horng, S. M., 2018.02, 'Subjective association rule mining: from point-based ranking sequence to interval-based temporal sequence, '.(*为通讯作者), Feb. 2018
2016 洪叔民;吴至伦*;梁定澎, 2016.06, 'How behaviors on social network sites and online social capital influence social commerce: The case of Facebook, ' PACIS 2016, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2016
2016 Chao, C.*;洪叔民, 2016.01, 'The valuation effects of accrual-based earnings management and real activities manipulation associated with the elimination of the form 20-F reconciliation requirement, ' Proceedings of 2016 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Midyear Meeting, American Accounting Association, pp.TBD.(SCOPUS)(*为通讯作者), Jan. 2016
2015 洪叔民*, 2015.07, 'Investigating the moderating effect of social identity on group buying purchase intention, ' Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on E-learning, E-business, Enterprise Information Systems, & E-government, WORLDCOMP, pp.38-44.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2015
2014 洪叔民*, 2014.07, 'A Study of Poster and Viewer Participation in SNS, ' Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, pp.152-168.(Inspec)(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2014
2013 洪叔民*;柯淑芬;扬昇翰, 2013.12, '云端储存服务的发展与未来--以台达电云端储存服务为例, ' 第十九届服务业管理研讨会论文集, 政大企管系, pp.3-1 - 3-31.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2013
2013 洪叔民*, 2013.07, 'A comparative study of multiple social network sites based on Google analytics data, ' Proceedings of EEE14'', Harvard University, MIT, and others, pp.125-131.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2013
2011 洪叔民;Lee, Y-Y;Wu, C-L, 2011.12, 'Applying a decomposed theory of planned behavior to study the paying behaviors of a virtual community, ' Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Information Management and Service, IEEE.(IEEE), Dec. 2011
2010 洪叔民*, 2010.04, 'Analysis of Users’ Behavior on Web 2.0 Social Network Sites: An Empirical Study, ' Proceedings of ITNG 2010, IEEE Computer Society, pp.454-459.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2010
2010 洪叔民*, 2010.04, 'Analysis of Users’ Behavior on Web 2.0 Social Network Sites: An Empirical Study, ' Proceedings of ITNG 2010, IEEE Computer Society, pp.454-459.(IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2010
2009 韩志翔*;刘纯婷;洪叔民, 2009.12, '浩汉设计(NOVA)-国际化历程, ' 第十五届服务业管理个案集, 国立政治大学企管系, pp.˙7-1 ~ 7-34.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2009
2009 洪叔民*;吴至伦, 2009.09, 'Study of the factors influencing users’ decisions to pay for the subscriptions and transactions at web 2.0 services, ' Proceedings of The 2009 International Conference on Innovation and Management, 产业电子化运筹管理学会.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2009
2009 洪叔民*, 2009.04, 'The behavior and preferences of users on web 2.0 social network sites: An empirical study, ' Proceedings of ITNG 2009, IEEE Computer Society, pp.E1-E6.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2009
2008 洪叔民*, 2008.11, '网络服务的创新-以地图日记为例, ' 第十四届服务业管理个案集, pp.5-1 ~ 5-47.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2008
2008 Chao, C. L.*;洪叔民, 2008.08, 'An examination of SFAS No. 144: The likelihood of asset impairment recognition, write-off characteristics, and market reaction, ' Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, American Accounting Association.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2008
2008 Chao, C. L.*;洪叔民, 2008.04, 'The likelihood of asset impairment recognition, write-off characteristics, and market reaction to write-off announcements: Evidence from the U.S, ' Proceedings of the 31st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, European Accounting Association.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2008
2007 洪叔民*, 2007.11, '教育服务的发展与创新-以实践大学工业设计系为例, ' 第十三届服务业管理个案集, 政治大学企管系.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2007
2007 C. Chao*;洪叔民, 2007.11, 'An Examinatin of SFAS No. 144: The Likelihood of Asset Impairment Recognition, Write-Off Characteristics, and Market Reaction, ' Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, 中华会计学会.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2007
2007 洪叔民*, 2007.08, 'A study of labor assignment in cellular manufacturing system, ' Proceedings of the International Conference on Production Research, International Fundation of Production Research.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2007
2006 洪叔民*;陈国祥;周凌峰, 2006.12, '设计产业的发展与未来-以浩汉设计为例, ' 第十二届服务业管理个案集, 国立政治大学企管系, pp.8~1-8~30.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006
2006 洪叔民*, 2006.07, 'A Stage-Based Human Resource Allocation Procedure for Project Management with Multiple Objectives, ' Proceedings of PMI Research Conference, PMI, pp.1-12.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2006
2005 洪叔民*;张毓欣;游森桢, 2005.12, '问业的发展与未来-以前进国际为例, ' 第十一届服务业管理个案集, 国立政治大学企管系, pp.4~1 - 4~33.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2005
2005 S. Horng*;C. Chao, 2005.08, 'Using Simulations to Develop CONWIP/EPQ Systems for a Production with Limited Storage Space, ' Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Production Research, International Fundation for Production Research, pp.CD-ROM.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2005
2004 杜壮;洪叔民*;段继忠, 2004.12, '服务失败与复原机制在台湾电影映放业之研究-以台北信义华纳威秀影城为例, ' 第十届服务业管理个案集, 国立政治大学企管系, pp.24-54.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2004
2004 洪叔民;蔡绪辉;田淑文, 2004.11, '应用模拟建构动态生产控制系统-以生技产业为例, ' 第一届台湾作业研究学会学术研讨会暨2004年科技与管理学术研讨会 - CD-ROM, 台湾作业研究学会., Nov. 2004
2003 S. Horng, 2003.11, 'Dynamic production control systems – A Case Study, ' The 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice - CD-ROM, International Journal of Industrial Engineering., Nov. 2003
2003 洪叔民;蔡绪辉, 2003.10, '以动态生产控制建构生产繁殖系统, ' The International Conference on Technology and Management with Special Symposium on Advanced Interactive Systems - CD-ROM, National Taipei University of Technology., Oct. 2003
2000 C. Chao;S. Horng, 2000.11, 'Development and cost-effective applications of expert systems for improving the productivity of organizations, ' Information Technologies in Accounting, American Accounting Association, pp.1-21., Nov. 2000
1999 S. Horng, 1999.10, 'Multiobjective Scheduling of Ion Implantation Processes, ' INFORMS Annual Meeting, INFORMS., Oct. 1999
1999 J.K. Cochran;S. Horng;J.W. Fowler, 1999.08, 'A Overviews of a New Class of Genetic Algorithm for the M Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem, ' Proceedings of the third International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, pp.230-237., Aug. 1999
1998 S. Horng;J.W. Fowler;J.K. Cochran, 1998.12, 'Using Genetic Algorithms to Manage Ion Implantation Processes in Wafer Fabrication, ' TECHCON, Semiconductor Research Corporation, pp.254., Dec. 1998
1998 S. Horng;J.W. Fowler;J.K. Cochran, 1998.07, 'Using Genetic Algorithms to Solve Scheduling Problem in Wafer Fabrication, ' Automation., Jul. 1998
年度 书名
2021 Chang, Y.Y.;洪叔民*;Chao, C-L, 2021.10, 'Using Matrix Factorization and Evolutionary Strategy to Develop a Latent Factor Recommendation System for an Offline Retailer, ' Advances in Data Science and Information Engineering, Springer Nature, pp.199-211.(*为通讯作者), 436771, Oct. 2021
2021 Hwang, S. K;洪叔民*;Chao, C-L, 2021.10, 'An Analysis of Flight Delays at Taoyuan Airport, ' Advances in Data Science and Information Engineering, Springer Nature, pp.623-642.(*为通讯作者), 436770, Oct. 2021
2012 洪叔民*, 2012.12, 'Analysis of users’ behavior on social network sites, ' Exploratory Analysis in Dynamic Social Networks – Theoretical and Practical Applications, iConcept Press, pp.115-134.(*为通讯作者), 354714, Dec. 2012
2008 杜壮;洪叔民*;段继忠, 2008, '服务失败与复原机制在台湾电影映放业之研究-以台北信义华纳威秀影城为例, ' 服务管理个案第四辑, 智胜文化.(*为通讯作者), 292759, 2008
1998 S. Horng, 1998.12, 'The Use of Genetic Algorithms to Solve Multi-objective Scheduling Problems on Parallel Machines, ' Arizona State University., 163067, Dec. 1998
计画类别 年度 计画名称 参与人 职称/担任之工作 计画期间 补助/委讬或合作机构
科技部 112 一个纵向研究调查中美贸易战对台湾及中国半导体产业的影响(2/2) 洪叔民 计画主持人 2024.08 ~ 2025.07 国科会
科技部 112 一个纵向研究调查中美贸易战对台湾及中国半导体产业的影响(1/2) 洪叔民 计画主持人 2023.08 ~ 2025.07 国科会
非科技部 112 国际高等人力培训外籍生奖学金计画-企业管理学系大学部全英语学程(第十八届) 洪叔民 计画主持人 2023.08 ~ 2027.07 财团法人国际合作发展基金会
科技部 111 元宇宙 – 商业模式与使用者行为研究 洪叔民 计画主持人 2022.08 ~ 2023.07 国科会
非科技部 111 国际高等人力培训外籍生奖学金计画-企业管理学系大学部全英语学程(第十七届) 洪叔民 计画主持人 2022.08 ~ 2026.07 财团法人国际合作发展基金会
科技部 110 建立供应链韧性:从适应性结构理论的观点 洪叔民 计画主持人 2021.08 ~ 2023.07 国科会
非科技部 110 国际高等人力培训外籍生奖学金计画-企业管理学系大学部全英语学程(第十六届) 洪叔民 计画主持人 2021.08 ~ 2025.07 财团法人国际合作发展基金会
科技部 109 分析应用社群商务的网站并比较其影响使用社群网站的因素-从商业模式的视角 洪叔民 计画主持人 2020.08 ~ 2022.01 国科会
非科技部 109 国际高等人力培训外籍生奖学金计画-企业管理学系大学部全英语学程(第十五届) 洪叔民 计画主持人 2020.08 ~ 2024.07 财团法人国际合作发展基金会
科技部 108 在社群网站上驱动浏漤和发表社群商务意图的因素有那些差异? 洪叔民 计画主持人 2019.08 ~ 2021.07 国科会
科技部 102 研究社会认知对团购网络使用者的行为干扰作用 洪叔民 计画主持人 2013.08 ~ 2015.02 国科会
科技部 99 应用Profile Monitoring分析网络使用并结合问卷调查网络服务之整合研究 洪叔民 计画主持人 2010.08 ~ 2012.04 国科会
非科技部 99 服务科学研究中心主计画(Succeeding through Service Excellence and Innovation with Service Science Part III) 苑守慈,张欣绿,苑守慈,洪叔民,黄国,张郁敏,蔡琰,连耀南,蔡子杰 子计画计画主持人 2010.07 ~ 2011.06 财团法人温世仁文教基金会
非科技部 98 服务科学研究中心主计画(Succeeding through Service Excellence and Innovation with Service Part II) 苑守慈,张欣绿,苑守慈,洪叔民,黄国,张郁敏,蔡琰,连耀南,蔡子杰 2009.01 ~ 2010.12 财团法人温世仁文教基金会
非科技部 97 Web 2.0 网络服务地图日记 洪叔民 计画主持人 2008.12 ~ 2009.05 教育部
非科技部 97 休閒农业资讯全方位整合网站品质提升计画 洪叔民 计画主持人 2008.04 ~ 2008.11 财团法人台湾农业资讯科技发展协会
非科技部 97 服务科学研究中心子计画-5 洪叔民 计画主持人 2008.04 ~ 2009.09 财团法人温世仁文教基金会
非科技部 96 专案管理-以设计业为例 洪叔民 计画主持人 2007.12 ~ 2008.05 教育部
科技部 95 生产管理的新思维-功能单元生产系统 洪叔民 计画主持人 2006.08 ~ 2007.09 国科会
科技部 94 阶段式之多目标专案管理系统(作业研究) 洪叔民 计画主持人 2005.08 ~ 2006.07 国科会
科技部 93 应用模拟及基因算法以解决具有储存空间限制的生产规划产品混合问题 洪叔民 计画主持人 2004.08 ~ 2005.08 国科会
年度 名称 发表日期 全部作者
2009 洪叔民, 2009, '网络服务 - 以地图日记为例 - 结案报告, ' 教育部.
2009 洪叔民, 2009, 'New Service Development for Web 2.0 in the context of U-Taiwan, ' 温世仁文教基金会.
2008 洪叔民, 2008, '专案管理–以设计业为例 - 结案报告, ' 教育部.
2008 洪叔民, 2008, '休閒农业资讯全方位整合网站品质提升计画-结案报告, ' 财团法人台湾农业资讯科技发展协会.
2007 洪叔民*, 2007, 'A New Concept of Production Management – Functional Cellular Production Systems, ' NSC.(*为通讯作者)
2006 洪叔民*, 2006, 'Implementing Information Technology into Enterprises by Phase Project Management ─ the Case of ERP, ' NSC.(*为通讯作者)
2005 洪叔民, 2005.10, 'NSC Project Report: Using Simulation and Genetic Algorithms to Solve Product Mix Problems in Production Control with Limited Storage Space, ' NSC. 2005-10-01
2004 S. Horng, 2004.10, 'NSC Project Report: A Dynamic Production Control System Using CONWIP and EPQ – A Case Study, ' NSC. 2004-10-01
2004 C.Y. Chiu;Y. Lee;C. Tu;T. Lai;R. Kuo;S. Horng, 2004.01, 'Final Report: International Research Program - Advanced Interactive Systems Integration and Management, ' Ministry of Education. 2004-01-01
2004 C.Y. Chiu;S. Horng, 2004.01, 'NSC project report: A Fuzzy Expert System for Wafer Fabrication Bottleneck Machine Dispatching, ' NSC. 2004-01-01
2003 S. Horng, 2003.10, 'NSC Project Report: Multiple Population Genetic Algorithms to Solve Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems with Multiple Objectives, ' NSC. 2003-10-01
国家 学校名称 系所 学位 期间
美国 亚利桑那州立大学 工业工程(学)系 博士 1994.09 ~ 1998.12
美国 美国德州大学 工业工程(学)系 硕士 1991.09 ~ 1993.06
台湾,中华民国 国立成功大学 工业设计(学)系 学士 1984.09 ~ 1988.06
经历类别 服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
校内兼职 政治大学 企业管理学系 系主任 2024.08 ~ 2025.07
校内兼职 政治大学 企业管理学系 系主任 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 教授 2020.08 ~ 迄今
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 副教授 2019.02 ~ 2020.08
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 副教授 2018.08 ~ 2018.08
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 副教授 2013.01 ~ 2017.08
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 副教授 2012.08 ~ 2013.01
校内本职 政治大学 企业管理学系 助理教授 2004.08 ~ 2012.08
类别 年度 奖项名称 颁奖单位
校内 112 资深优良教师(20年) 国立政治大学
校外 105 崇越论文博士组最优论文奖(指导老师) 台湾管理学会