1.個案名稱:Shacom.com Inc.
2.個案編號:9B08N015 / 9B08NT15
3.作者(系所):Edward Chou(周行一 財管系); James E. Hatch
4.語言:中文 / 英文
5. 頁數:20頁
7.適用課程:Entrepreneurship; Finance; International
8.主要教學理論:Financial Services; Micro Finance; Valuation; Business Model Analysis
9.個案簡介:The founder of Shacom.com has developed software that permits borrowers and lenders to meet on the Internet building on the traditional huei system. He signs a two year agreement with SinoPac, which now wants to renegotiate the arrangement. He must decide whether to renegotiate the deal and under what terms.
Shacom.com 的創辦人發展出一套軟體,在傳統huei系統中可以成為永久瀏覽器與貸方的網絡建設。他現在想重新與SinoPac溝通之前簽訂的兩年同意書。創辦人必須決定是否需重新談判條件或規則。