
  • 2013-01-15
  • AdminAdmin






Dual Degree Program
Beginning in the Fall semester of academic year 2012, students enrolled in the IMBA(or MBA) will be allowed to participate in Dual Degree Programs with select international partner schools.The IMBA program has worked tirelessly to streamline and coordinate program curricula with several partner schools that will allow interested students to achieve two university degrees in parallel in approximately 2-2.5 years.The Dual Degree Program is exclusively designed for graduate level students of CNCCU and is the only bilateral cooperation of its nature in Taiwan. IMBA will send degree-seeking students abroad to qualified partner schools, and receive degree-seeking students from partner schools.The program is specifically designed to broaden the depth of long-term cooperation and interaction between our school and our partner schools, faculty, and students in a broad and dynamic way.
The immediate benefit to CNCCU students is to enhance international competitiveness through earning two degrees simultaneously, as well as saving time and relative cost of attaining these degrees.CNCCU currently has a roster of four qualified business schools offering dual degrees programs. As the program grows and becomes more notable, we hope to enlarge the dual degree program in both scale and scope.

Cooperative Partners Include:

Audencia Nantes School of Management / France: Master in Management
Grande École ESCP Europe, Paris / France: Master in Management
IESEG School of Management, Paris - Lille / France: Master in Science in Management
LEIPZIG Graduate School of Management, Germany: Master in Management & MBA
University of Mannheim Business School: Master in Management & MBA